Embiggen Yourself! (Beautiful Katamari Demo)
What was nice about this Xbox Live demo, in comparison to the demos for previous games in the series, was that you were able to pick up larger objects much more quickly. So while in the past, you might top out at a fluffy quadroped, this time around, by the time the timer expires, you're picking up adult humans and other items of that scale.
So yeah, this is really a horrible place to stop writing, but I'm pretty much done here.
Basically, it's the first Katamari game for the Xbox family of products**, so if you weren't a PlayStation kind of guy or gal for the last few years, your patience has finally paid off.
** Can you tell I just watched Top Chef***? Speaking of which, how the hell did Trey get sent home? I thought he could make it to the finals.
*** You know, like how host Padma Lakshmi**** always refers to the Glad family of products?
**** Is there a more annoying reality TV show host on TV? No really, I'm asking. She's worse than Season 1 host Katie Joel, which is saying something. Can someone please tell her that the word "food" (as in Food & Wine Magazine) does not have an umlaut?
What did I tell you last time huh?
Where's the learning curve Dan? Did you think I wasn't watching? Because I was.
I'm not upset. I'm dissapointed
Cunzy11, at 9:13 AM
I would love for you to check out our game Storked. It is completely family friendly. you can find out more info on it at www.storkedgame.com. Please feel free to contact me about getting a copy for you to review on your blog. Thank you-
Mike, at 2:48 PM
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