Starlight, Starbright, First Game I Play Tonight

Here are two more excellent game-related causes that I recently added to the "noteworthy" section on the right sidebar.
The Get-Well Gamers Foundation (their site is down at post time, but hopefully it's working by the time you read this), donates games to sick children. When their link is working again, check 'em out.
Here's the other new one - The Starlight Foundation Fun Center.
If you have a few grand ($3250, to be exact) burning a hole in your pocket, you may want to consider donating a Fun Center:
Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation has a program where they place GameCube/DVD/Flat-Screen TV combos in hospitals, so kids can play games and watch movies, to take their minds off their pain.
In fact, some of you may actually be familiar with this program, since it's been around for a while now. Here's a photo of a previous version of the Fun Center, with the Nintendo 64 instead of a GameCube.

If you're not in the mood to click on the links above, here's what it says on the Fun Center page:
A Fun Center is a mobile entertainment unit containing a flat-screen television, DVD player, and Nintendo GameCube™ system. Whether hospitalized children are nervously awaiting surgery, sitting restlessly during a long treatment, or feeling lonely in their hospital room, the Fun Center helps them cope by providing endless hours of fun and distraction.
To date, more than 4,000 Fun Centers have been sponsored by companies, foundations and individuals and are being enjoyed at hospitals across North America. However, the need is great and our waitlist long.
Below is a note shared with us from a Nurse and Child Life Specialist:
Dear Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation,
We are thrilled with the Fun Center! Our patients see it and are immediately entranced. This morning, a six year old patient who has had problems with breathing treatments allowed the respiratory therapist to complete his treatment while he was playing on your Fun Center. He truly did not notice the therapist or breathing mask! Thank you so much for your generosity and for all of the time and effort put into making this happen for the patients…your ongoing support has made a genuine difference.
Cindy, Nurse Manager
Cathy, Child Life Coordinator
Though there are more than 4,000 Fun Centers in hospitals across North America, the need is great; hundreds of hospitals are waiting for Fun Centers right now. Fun Center sponsorship is currently $3,250; benefits of sponsorship include:
1. The unit containing a flat-screen television, DVD player, and Nintendo GameCube™ system
2. All taxes
3. Shipping & administration
4. Repair and maintenance for the life of the Fun Center by a dedicated Starlight Starbright staff member
5. Two customized adhesive signs recognizing the sponsor of the unit
If you are interested in sponsoring a Fun Center for your local hospital or one off our wait list please contact us. If you work at a hospital that would like to be added to the Fun Center waiting list, email us with detailed contact information, including the number of pediatric beds in your hospital.
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