The New Jan Brady
I'd play a game with my kids...
Then write about it.
Play another game with my kids...
Write about that one.
Play yet another game with my kids...
Yup. Write about that one, too.
Since my job was to write columns and reviews about family gaming for GameDaily, I had no shortage of games to play and time to write about 'em.
The games came in, the columns went out.
The games came in, the columns went out.
Then I went and got myself hired at EA Chicago, which is freakin' awesome in a career aspiration kind of way, but which sucks in a having an endless supply of new games to play with and write about kind of way.
For the last several months now, I've been trying to figure out how to continue writing here at GameFam, while keeping the posts relevant, interesting, and plentiful. How did it work out? Well, seeing as how March '07 just went down in the books as my first completely postless month, not well. Not well at all.
Of course I still play games with my kids. Just not as many and not as often. But whether it's because I lack imagination, talent, insight, or whatever, I'm not sure how writing about playing the same game over and over again is either entertaining or informative for the reader.
On the upside, now we have more time to digest the games over the long haul. I had always felt that I was taking advantage of my children's love for games by throwing new ones at 'em every week. It was too much. It overwhelmed the system. Just as they got in the groove with one game, there was another game for us to play together, Sometimes that was good, but just as often, I wasn't so thrilled.
So after giving it much thought, I've decided that the only way for this ol' blog to stay afloat is for me to reinvent myself as a blogger.
GameFam's warm gooey center will still be games for kids and families, but I'm going to expand the description to include what it's like to be a gaming dad with gaming kids, with a job in the games industry. And maybe some other interesting unrelated crap along the way. We'll see how it goes.
I'm looking forward to seeing where this thing goes. For those of you still stopping by every once in a while, I hope you are too.
So, as I said in my very first GameFam post back in June, '05, stay tuned.
Definitely looking forward to seeing it. Glad to know you're still interested in continuing the site, rather than abandoning it with the new job.
Still on my RSS feed, still listening. :)
Nadreck, at 11:06 PM
Still checking regularly here, too.
Your insights are definitely appreciated and I too am glad to hear that your still looking to write some stuff here, as well.
Glad to hear things are going well. :)
WizarDru, at 5:43 AM
Thanks guys. Good to hear from you.
Dan, at 4:34 PM
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